I am a recent college grad (for the third time) and a software engineer in Folsom, CA. My cat pictured here interferes with my coding whenever she can and so does the kitten I adopted a few months after moving here. I prefer C/C++, C#, and working with databases but Python keeps growing on me. :) I am always looking for new challenges and love puzzles. A passion for process improvement led me to pursue lean six sigma training and programming.
I have many hobbies and unfinished projects. I like learning new things and developing new skills, most often regardless of what that might be as long as I'm creating something. I did a bunch of remodeling and landscaping at my house and enjoy woodworking but don't have the time for it. I also sew because it's fun and it's actually faster than shopping for clothes that fit. :) Sometimes I read too. It's been nice to pick that back up again with all my newfound free time!
I worked on a couple projects in my last quarter of school that I hope to pick up on again once I get more comfortable in my new role. My group capstone project is a meal planning web app and is written in Angular 5 with a Rails API for the back end. We hope to someday use Ionic to bring it to mobile. I'm also building a chat program with Qt. As I have updates to share on either project I'll be updating here or on my blog!